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最新: SAT学生报喜

2023-9-10 11:15| 发布者: Yao博士| 查看: 35913| 评论: 0

摘要: "Hi Dr. Yao,Hope everything is going well!I have great news to share with you, the June SAT score is out and I got 780 for Reading/Writing and 800 for Math for a total of 1580! I am really happy wit ...

家长和学生对 Dr. Yao 的寄语感言

老师好,xxx 在10月7号的SAT考试取得了1580的总分,这个让我们喜出望外的好成绩归功于Dr. Yao 的悉心栽培。夏天我们注册了Dr. Yao 的SAT training camp, 开课之前 diagnostic test 的评估分数是1320,  开课以后成绩提高很快,Dr Yao 授课经验丰富,方法灵活多样,答疑解惑,耐心细致,循循善诱,有亲和力,孩子能够放松且受到鼓励,发挥最大的潜力,因而考出理想的成绩!很感恩遇到这样优秀的好老师!
老师好:我的女儿xxx 在Dr. Yao SAT Class 已经上课两周了,她很喜欢老师的授课风格,收获很大,成绩提高很快,本来计划课程的最后几天要提前离开,去参加hosa 比赛,现在她决定留在SAT,跟老师学完最后的课程,取消hosa比赛。


 胡老师,今年我孩子考上xxx了,我们非常感谢Dr. Yao的授课。 虽然只上了xx个小时,孩子的sat还是提高了xx分,考到了xxx。孩子说Dr. Yao的课非常专业,她深受启发。Sat成绩的提高为她考上xxx提供了很好的帮助。谢谢你们!

Dear Dr. Yao ,
Thank you so much for your effort for teaching xxx in the last three weeks.
I am so thrill with his improvement and the process of the analysis of his practice test .
He told me how much he enjoyed the class and all the hard work were fun for him in your class as he has learned so much from you.
He said it was very emotional that yesterday was the last day of your class.
Moving forward, xxx will put his great effort to achieve his aim score 1580 or above at October test.
I am sure he will make you proud.

Dear Dr.Yao, 您好!
我要跟您道谢, 昨天儿子收到他SAT考试成绩,他拿到了总分1570的好成绩,我们全家都为他高兴,同时更感谢老师您对他的帮助,您短短一个多月的教导,对他的学习方法和学习技巧有了很大的提高,千言万语我们借此信表示我们的衷心感谢!!

"胡老师:我儿子xxx上了一周Dr. Yao的sat camp, 觉得很喜欢,谢谢。如果开学后还有啥适合他的补习,麻烦告诉我一下。如果有啥针对他的建议,也欢迎随时和我沟通。如果您觉得有适合他一对一的补习,我们也是可以的。谢谢!"

Hi Dr. Yao
This is xxx I am so happy to let you know I received my SAT scores yesterday, and I scored 790 in the math section 780 in the reading/writing section for a total composite score of 1570.
We both wanted to thank you for your rigorous coursework and your helpful tips. I found that taking your summer course was very helpful and allowed me to achieve my goal for the SAT.

Hi Dr. Yao!

Hope you have been well! I just got my latest SAT score back and I wanted to let you know that I got a 780 on math and a 1550 overall! Definitely an improvement from my last 700. There was even a box plot question, which I wouldn’t have known how to do without your help, so thank you so so much for everything! 

胡老师好, 我问xxx上课情况, 他说Dr. Yao特别棒,给他很大启示,对他非常有帮助。谢谢!


Dear Dr. Yao,
I hope you are doing well. Thanks for your help over the summer for the IvyTrack SAT course, I got a 1550 super score on the August (EBRW: 760, Math: 760) and October (EBRW: 730, Math: 790) exams(increased 250 points).
Dear Dr. Yao,
I hope you are doing well for the summer. 
I am reaching out to you again to see whether you could find time to tutor xxx again before his second SAT test. He has really loved your class and wants to take a xxx hours session on English and Math before August 28. We have not found a teacher who could help him as much as you did. 
Thank you so much and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Dr. Yao您好,
Dear Dr. Yao,
Thank you so much for the warm blessing! xxx learned both SAT preparation skills and good learning habits form your class. It’s a precious learning experience for her. Thank you so much for offering the wonderful opportunity !
Hi Dr. Yao!
Thanks so much for all helps during three weeks work. I see it is big help for his SAT. BTW, I also heard you have one week winter SATclass as well? If so could we know when it starts to sign up?
Dr. Yao!
He really enjoyed your class and is interested in continuing SAT tutoring with you. Do you offer 1x1 tutoring for SAT reading / writing?
Hi Dr. Yao!
Thank you so much for instructing me this summer on the reading/writing SAT. It was tremendously helpful. You have helped me so much and I would not be here without your help. Once again thank you so much and please continue providing your incredible guidance to more students in the future!
Hi Dr. Yao,
Hope everything is going well! I have great news to share with you, the June SAT score is out and I got 780 for Reading/Writing and 800 for Math for a total of 1580! I am really happy with my score. The SAT class taught by you last summer was really helpful.  Thank you!
Hello Dr. Yao,
I hope you’re doing well! June scores just came out, and I got a 1560! Thank you so much for all your help! I learned a lot from your classes and I’m incredibly grateful for you. I hope you have a nice summer!
Dear Dr. Yao,
Thank you for the sweet and encouraging post-course summary. We are really grateful to have found you. xxx was not believing in tutoring SAT, but now he is so glad he did it and it helped him a lot to raise his score. He has learned a lot in this process.  Again thank you from the bottom of our heart.
胡老师,汪博士:非常感谢Dr. Yao 的SAT集训课程, 孩子感觉特别特别好, SAT成绩直线上升。Dr. Yao 严谨认真,非常有方法,还不厌其烦针对孩子的情况提供一对一的检测和答疑,非常难得!如果以后Dr.Yao有其他课程,请通知我们。再次感谢!
我们觉得Dr. Yao很不错,有能力吸引她按时上课。xxx也很喜欢Dr. Yao 的课,说Dr. Yao讲解得很好,还有应试技巧, 非常有用in SAT,对她很有吸引力。Dr. Yao 这份总结十分宝贵,提出的意见很中肯,我们会督促她按照您们提供的建议。再次感谢老师们的栽培!
Hi Dr Yao,
My SAT results just came out today and I got a 1540 (760 erbw, 780 math). I'm genuinely still in disbelief since before your class, my score was 1290. Your class really helped me and I just wanted to say thank you very much!
Dear Dr. Yao,
I hope you are doing well. Thanks for your help over the summer for the IvyTrack SAT course, I got a 1550 super score on the August (EBRW: 760, Math: 760) and October (EBRW: 730, Math: 790) exams(increased 250 points).
 胡老师好!迟到的报告 - xxx May SAT 1560, 谢谢 Dr Yao 和胡老师!
Hi Dr. Yao!
Thank you so much for instructing me this summer on the reading/writing SAT. It was tremendously helpful. You have helped me so much and I would not be here without your help. Once again thank you so much and please continue providing your incredible guidance to more students in the future!
"Hi Dr. Yao,
Hope everything is going well!
I have great news to share with you, the June SAT score is out and I got 780 for Reading/Writing and 800 for Math for a total of 1580! I am really happy with my score. The SAT class taught by you last summer was really helpful.  Thank you!"
2023 SAT冬假强化集训:Dr.Yao的学生SAT成绩(2023 SAT冬假强化集训)3月SAT考试成绩:1530,1550,1570,1580,一位英文满分。
2021 SAT冬假9天强化集训:Dr.Yao的学生SAT成绩平均提高175分。最高达到1580。
Dr.Yao指导一位学生SAT 9天,达到1590分。
Dr.Yao指导一位学生SAT 15天,提高350分。
Dr.Yao指导一位学生SAT 英文部分6天,提高100分,从650达到750。 
Dr.Yao指导一位学生SAT 英文部分5天,提高100分,从670达到770。 
Dr.Yao指导一位学生SAT 9天,提高250分,达到1540。
Dr.Yao指导一位学生SAT 10天,提高220分,达到满分1600。







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